Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Organising a Historical refight pt 3 : The New Zealand division on Crete 1941

Part 3 and its time to look at the other side. The German paratroops units were expanded after their successes in 1940 to an entire division in 1941. While a small number of gliders were used, most of the troops arrived by parachute. 

The OOB is based on the Command decision one I found, again with some alterations where there were obvious mistakes. The OB is complete for the Maleme-Galatas sector along with the overall reinforcements avaliable for the entire operation.

7th Parachute Division
Maleme sector - Sturm Regiment
Glider troops
                Regiment HQ     (Generalmajor Meindl)            RHQ stand
                                                                                        1 smg stand
                                                                                        1 combat engineer stand
 I Battalion                                                                      BHQ stand
                                                                                        1 smg stand
                      3 coy                                                          3 smg stands
                      4 coy                                                          3 smg stands
 II Battalion    (Major Stentzler)                                      BHQ stand
                      5 coy                                                         1smg stands
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      6 coy                                                         1 smg stands
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      7 coy                                                         1 smg stands
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      8 coy                                                         3 MMG stands
                                                                                        1 81mm Mortar
  III Battalion    (Major Scherber)                                   BHQ stand
                      9 coy                                                         1 smg stand
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      10 coy                                                       1 smg stand
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      11 coy                                                       1 smg stands
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                      12 coy                                                       3 MMG stands
                                                                                       1 81mm Mortar
  IV Battalion    (Hauptmann Gericke)                            BHQ stand
                      13 coy                                                       3 75mm RCL
                      14 coy                                                       3 PAK 35
                      15 coy                                                       3 mmg stands
                                                                                       1 81mm Mortars
                      16 coy                                                       3 combat engineers
                 attached troops
                       part 3/7 Flak                                            1 20mm AA
                 part 1/7 Art                                                    1 105mm RCL
Galatas Sector- 3rd Parachute regiment
Glider Troops
 7th Parachute Division HQ ( Generalmajor Sussmann) DHQ stand
                                                                                      1 smg
Parachute Troops
     Regimental HQ    (Oberst Heidrich)                         RHQ stand
                                                                                       1 smg stand
  I Battalion    (Hauptmann Von der Heydte)                  BHQ stand
                       1 coy                                                       1smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       2 coy                                                       1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       3 coy                                                       1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       4 coy                                                       3 MMG stands
                                                                                       1 81mm Mortar
 II Battalion    (Major Derpa)                                        BHQ stand
                       5 coy                                                       1smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       6 coy                                                       1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       7 coy                                                       1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
 III Battalion    (Major Heilmann)                                  BHQ stand
                       9 coy                                                       1smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       10 coy                                                     1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       11 coy                                                     1 smg stands
                                                                                       2 rifle stands
                       12 coy                                                     3 MMG stands
                                                                                       1 81mm Mortar
 IV Battalion (attached out to other companies)
                       13 coy                                                      3 75mm RCL
                       14 coy                                                      3 PAK 35

 7th Pioneer battalion (Major Liebach)                          BHQ
                       1 coy                                                        3 combat engineer stands
                       2 coy                                                        3 combat engineer stands
                       4 coy                                                        3 combat engineer stands
         attached troops
                       4 Parachute AAMG coy                           1 20mm AA
                       3 Parachute MG coy                                 3 MMG stands 

The reinforment units were of 3 different types. The parachute units were;

German Parachute Reinforcments (21 May)

 II Battalion-2nd Parachute Regiment
                        5 coy                                                       1smg stand
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
                        6 coy                                                       1 smg stand
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
 I Battalion-1st Parachute Regiment
                        4 coy                                                        3 MMG stands
                                                                                        1 81mm Mortar
                        2 coys each                                              1 smg stand
                                                                                        2 rifle stands 

The airlanding units required the control of an airfield to be inserted. The dates listed were when they historically arrived but for gameplay the airlanding units were allowed to land as soon as the paratroops had taken control of Maleme airfield. I can't remeber the rate I allowed the troops to land at.

German Airlanding Units-5th Mountain Division
 5pm/ 21st May
 RHQ 100th Mountain regiment (Oberst Utz)              RHQ stand
                                                                                        1 recon rifle stand/ bicycle
 II Battalion        (Major Friedmann)                               BHQ stand
                        6 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        7 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        8 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        9 coy                                                        1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                         1 75mm IG
                        10 coy                                                      3 MMG stands
am, 22nd May
 100th Mountain Regiment
I Battalion     (Major Schrank)                                        BHQ stand
                        1 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        2 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        3 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        4 coy                                                        1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                        1 75mm IG
                        5 coy                                                        3 MMG stands
pm, 22nd May
 85th Mountain regiment
I Battalion    (Major Treck)                                             BHQ stand
                        1 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        2 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        3 coy                                                        3 rifle stands
                        4 coy                                                        1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                         1 75mm IG
                        5 coy                                                        3 MMG stands
am, 23rd May
 95th Mountain Artillery Regiment                               BHQ/ truck
              I/95                                                                    1 FOO/ kubelwagen
                                                                                         2 75mm RCL
              II/95                                                                   1 FOO/ kubelwagen
                                                                                         2 105mmL28 how/ truck

pm, 23rd May
95th Anti-Tank Battalion                                               BHQ/ truck
                                                                                        2 PAK 38 AT gun/ truck
                                                                                        3 PAK 38 AT gun

55th Motorcycle Battalion                                             BHQ/ motorcycle
                                                                                        MMG stand/ motorcycle
                        1 coy                                                        3 rifle stands/ motorcycle
                        2 coy                                                        3 rifle stands/ motorcycle
                        4 coy                                                        3 MMG stands/ motorcycle
                                                                                         1 81mmM/ motorcycle
am 24th May
 RHQ, 85th Mountain regiment (Oberst Krakau)          RHQ stand
                                                                                         1 recon rifle stand/ bicycle
 III Battalion                                                                   BHQ stand
                       11 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       12 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       13 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       14 coy                                                       1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                         1 75mm IG
                       15 coy                                                       3 MMG stands 

The third component was the seaborn invasion force. The light invasion forces were to sail to Crete in greek caiques which sounds quite romantic untill the Royal Navy turns up.

Seaborn Invasion force.

Light convoy 1
III Battalion, 100 Mountain regiment    (Major Ehall)  BHQ
                       11 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       12 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       13 coy                                                       3 rifle stands
                       14 coy                                                       1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                         1 75mm IG
                       15coy                                                        3 MMG stands
 666 Pioneer Battalion                                                    BHQ
                       1 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                       2 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                       3 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                       4 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
 84th FLAK Battalion                                                    BHQ stand
                       1 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                       2 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                       3 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                       4 coy                                                         3 20mm AA

Light convoy 2
II Battalion, 85th Mountain regiment(Major Esch)       BHQ
                      6 coy                                                          3 rifle stands
                      7 coy                                                          3 rifle stands
                      8 coy                                                          3 rifle stands
                      9 coy                                                          1 combat engineer stand
                                                                                         1 75mm IG
                      10coy                                                         3 MMG stands
 659 Pioneer Battalion                                                   BHQ
                      1 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                      2 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                      3 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
                      4 coy                                                         3 combat engineer stands
 85th FLAK Battalion                                                    BHQ stand
                      1 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      2 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      3 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      4 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
 1/118 artillery                                                               FOO/ kubelwagen
                                                                                       2 105mmL28how 

The steamer convory arrived far later in the battle. I think that there might be too many tanks.

Steamer Convoy
31 panzer battalion
                       5 coy                                                        2 Pz IV/d
                                                                                       1 Pz II/f
  IV Battalion/ 95th Artillery Regiment                       FOO/ kubelwagen
                                                                                       2 105mmL28 how/ truck
  716th Artillery Battalion                                             FOO/ kubelwagen
                                                                                       2 105mmL28 how/ truck
  Lehr FLAK Battalion                                                 BHQ
                      1 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      2 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      3 coy                                                         3 20mm AA
                      4 coy                                                         3 20mm AA

Monday, May 30, 2022

Organising a Historical refight pt 2 : The New Zealand division on Crete 1941

 The first thing was to compile a correct OOB for both sides. In this part I will cover the forces involved from the 2nd New Zealand division.

I managed to find an OOB for the battle using the Command Decision ruleset. However comparing this document with the official historys revealed some inconsistancies and also "double counting" in places Another issue was that the New Zealand division had just escaped from the German conquest of Greece and lost all its heavy weapons. thus theres plenty of support weapons missing and the artillery is very thin on the ground (and yes, the guns are correct). The entire Division was not present as 6 brigade had taken a bit of a beating and were sent back to Egypt along with most of the specialist division support battalions. There were also a number of Greek units on Crete of dubious quality.

   NZ Division.     (Brig. Puttick)                                        DHQ stand
                                                                                          2 rifle stands
                    NZ Provost coy                                              2 rifle stands
                    Greek Gendarmerie                                        1 rifle stand
   4th Brigade       (Brig. Inglis)                                           Brig. HQ stand
                                                                                           2 rifle stands
             Attached Units
                    E/ 27MG                                                        1 MMG stand
                    C/ 3rd Hussars                                                2 Mk VI B lt tank
                    1 Light troop RA                                             1 3.7" how

             18th Battalion ( Lt. Col. Gray)                               BHQ stand
                                                                                            1 Engineer stand
                                                                                            1 3" mortar
                     A/18                                                               3 rifle stands
                     B/18                                                               3 rifle stands
                     C/18                                                               3 rifle stands
                     D/18                                                               3 rifle stands

               19th Battalion (Maj Blackburn )                           BHQ stand
                                                                                            1 rifle stand
                                                                                            1 Engineer stand
                                                                                            1 3" mortar
                     A/19                                                               3 rifle stands
                     C/19                                                               3 rilfe stands
                     D/19                                                               3 rifle stands

 5th Brigade   (Brig. Hargest)                                              Brig. HQ
                                                                                            1 rifle stand
           Attached troops
                     5th brigade band                                              1 rifle stand
                27 Battery, 5th NZ field regiment
                      A/27                                                               3.7" how
                      B/27                                                               75mm L18 How (Italy)
                      C/27                                                               75mm L34 (french)
                      156 LAA Battery                                            40mm Bofors AA/ truck
                      7 LAA Battery                                                40mm Bofors AA ( static)
                      Field Punishment center                                   1 rifle stand
                      1 4" costal gun emplaced on Pt 107

            21st Battalion    (Lt-Col. Allen)                                 BHQ
                                                                                            1 Engineer stand
                                                                                            3" mortar
                      A/21                                                              2 rifle stands
                      B/21                                                              2 rifle stands
                      C/21                                                              2 rifle stands
                      D/21                                                              2 rifle stands

             22nd Battalion  (Lt-Col. Andrew)                         BHQ
                                                                                           1 Engineer stand
                                                                                           3" mortar
                      recon/22                                                       1 carrier stand
                      A/22                                                             3 rifle stands
                      B/22                                                             3 rifle stands
                      C/22                                                             3 rifle stands
                      D/22                                                             3 rifle stands
             attached units
                      A/27MG                                                       1 MMG
                      B/27MG                                                       1 MMG
                      7 RTR                                                           1 Matilda II
                      RAF detachement                                          3 rifle stands ( 4/4)
                                                                                           1 MMG stand (5/4)

         23rd Battalion    (Lt-Col Leckie)                               BHQ stand
                                                                                           1 engineer stand
                                                                                           1 3" mortar
                      A/23                                                             3 rifle stands
                      B/23                                                             2 rifle stands
                      C/23                                                             3 rifle stands
                      D/23                                                             2 rifle stands
             attached units
                      C/27MG                                                      1 MMG

         28th ( Maori) Battalion (Lt-Col Dittmer)                 BHQ stand
                                                                                          1 engineer stand
                                                                                          1 3" mortar
                      A/28                                                            3 rifle stands
                      B/28                                                            3 rifle stands
                      C/28                                                            3 rifle stands
                      D/28                                                            3 rifle stands

         Engineer Detachement                                           BHQ stand
                      7th NZ Field coy                                         4 rifle stands
                      19th Army troops coy                                  5 rifle stands

10th Brigade ( Lt-Col Kippenberg)                                 Brig. H stad
                                                                                        2 rifle stands
             attached troops
             28 Battery, 5th Field Regiment
                      F/28                                                          75mm L18 How ( Italian)
          NZ Cavalry detachment                                      3 rifle stands

          NZ Composite Battalion ( Maj. Lewis )               BHQ stand
                      4th NZ Field regiment                                3 rifle stands
                      5th NZ Field regiment                                2 rifle stands
                      NZ supply coy                                           3 rifle stands
                      NZ petrol coy                                            5 rifle stands
                      NZ RMT coy                                            4 rifle stands

          6th Greek Regiment                                          BHQ stand
                                                                                      16 rifle stands

          8th Greek Regiment                                          BHQ stand
                                                                                      12 rifle stands

          20th Battalion (Lt-Col Burrows )                         BHQ
                                                                                       1 engineer stand
                                                                                       1 3" mortar
                      A/20                                                         3 rifle stands
                      B/20                                                         3 rifle stands
                      C/20                                                         3 rifle stands
                      D/20                                                         3 rifle stands

Other Units ( from Suda area)

         2nd Greek Regiment                                           BHQ stand
                                                                                      10 rifle stands
        2/8 ( Australian) Battalion                                    BHQ stand
                                                                                      1 3" mortar
                      A/ 2/8                                                      2 rifle stands
                      B/ 2/8                                                      2 rifle stands
                      C/ 2/8                                                      2 rifle stands
                      D/ 2/8                                                      2 rifle stands

        Transit Camp/ ‘Royal Perivolians'                      BHQ stand
                                                                                      8 rifle stands