A blog about playing Spearhead, Modern Spearhead and Great War Spearhead, leaning more towards the creation of lists. Generalship tips to be taken with a grain of salt.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
MSH time
Overall I have not been overly inspired to write army lists. I get as far as picking up the books, but that's about it.Even my Russian cavalry division is stalled as I have not picked any of it up for a couple of months.
I thought for the next wee bit, to try to get things going again (if that can happen when one is on holiday) I might visit my favorite MSH period, The central front in Germany 1975-1985. Now I must admit to having a bit of a love hate relationship with MSH.It was my first introduction to the Spearhead gaming system, and I still remember the amazement that I felt that my tanks were over the 1/2 way line on the table, and actually doing something rather than just sitting still and sniping. I find the rules far more complicated than their WW2 brethren. While this is understandable, I admit that I tend to forget some of the finer points, and indeed some of the lesser bits in the turn sequence (like forgetting to fire stands at the right times). One thing that does make it hard is that the army lists tend to be a bit on the bland side. The WW2 lists tend to have a whole stack of cool toys in a division, and its possible to knock up some interesting army lists without too much trouble. MSH brigades tend to be rather the same within a division, with few different 'toys'.
National differences are not quite as pronounced either due to arms exports (however this is not overly different from the US supplying that allies at the tail end of WW2). Actually, this isn't quite the case as at least 4 NATO nations had decent arms industries( France, Germany, GB and USA) plus some of the lesser nations, and on the WARPAC side most of the nations had some indigenous AFV's backed up by the ubiquitous Russian equipment.
The period itself is interesting as it sees the introduction of new technology on both sides, but comes before the introduction of the NATO uber tanks which completely take the fun out of the game. The Russians get the improved T64 and T72.
Next up, a closer look at gaming possibilities.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The pretty bits

So, how do we attempt to replicate this on the table. After all, if we didn't worry about what our models looked like we may as well play with plain counters on a map. However I do think that we should be able to do better than this.

My thinking for forests at the moment is a combination of the carpet squares with the tree stands that can been seen placed on top (and I'm not sure why we used them. its obvious that they are forests!). I can live with the stand displacement.
I have also spent some time pondering town sectors. Ideally I would like to keep the 3D aspect but add a flat top to place the defending stands. A clear top could be a possibility but they tend to get scratched and look tatty. A soldered wire armature could be another possibility.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
On lists
Now, what I'm pondering is creating a set of lists that are easy for gamers to create a list without all the nit picking. the real question is what format would be best/easiest to read. Just letting my brain run at the moment, here is a rough thought.
1 regimental HQ (every army needs one)
X battalions each
6-9 fighting platoons (or whatever 66%-100% translates to)
0-1 support stands
(as many as needed)
regimental stands s required.
Divisional supports
up to 3 companies each x stands.
then have the various equipment options, or possibly select standard years for gaming (SH or MSH).
I hope that everyone can sort of see what I'm getting at.
this might make life a bit easier.
(I won't be replying quickly as I'm busy playing Napoleon at Borodino today)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
US light armoured divison 1944 III
The AA supports. US49 M15 SPAA and US 33 M16 SPAA. Again with crews from the same artillery crew strips.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
US light armoured divison 1944 II
Anyway, on to the options and some suggestion on how to play the army.
I've only done one option A and one option B as the army has pretty much everything that you need on the table already.
Option A AGC 10
3 P47/ Bombs 36
Not much explanation needed here. something to knock out those really big German tanks or shift some veteran infantry stands. Its my favoured choice which I normally take.
Option B Armoured infantry battalion. Basically because I realise that there is not enough infantry for some. I'd never use this myself, but it is an option.
Hq 1 rifle stand/HT 7
9 rifle stands/HT 63
1 HMG/ HT 7
2 AAMG/HT 10
1 M4/ 81mm mortar 6
1 recon jeep 0.50 HMG 4
Now how to play this. First up I would use the 155mm for counter battery, to put the crimp on enemy artillery. There are a stack of 'soft' targets running round the table that need some protection from indirect fire.
Next to tricking out the on table TOE. Swap 3 infantry stands/HT for 1 M4 jumbo, 1 M4/76 and 1 M4 (one company as allowed by the rules). This gives both battalions 'enough' infantry.
On the attack, choose one side of the table where there are 2 objectives (one in the near 1/2 and one in the far 1/2 (try to avoid any in towns). You want to lead the attack with the infantry battalion down this side of the table. the aim is to establish a 'bridgehead about 24-30" onto the table, but geared to stop counter attacks from the center 3rd of the board. The tank battalion would be timetabled to come on in turn 4-5 (possibly 5).
The tank battalion is then pushed through the infantry battalion on that same side of the board, and exits off the other edge (oh, make sure there are enough roads for this).
Points wise you should be aiming to get 4 for the objectives, 2 for killing a defending battalion (possibly2) and 2 for the tank battalion off the other edge for a total of 10.
This is not overly easy to impliment on the table, so if you want to do your own thing my only advice would be to keep the 2 battalions close together and just overwhelm the defenders one battalion at a time. Try to avoid fighting in towns as there isn't enough infantry to do this.
So, how does that sound?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
US light armoured divison 1944
Well, Keith is keen to see this one, so here goes;
Sorry this has taken so long, real life has interviend and I have not had enough energy. however, hitting the publish button when you are editing a post tends to speed the post up a bit!
I was attracted to this list having read some of the various WW2 histories (among them, Pattons 'War as I knew it', This is a good book BTW). I was not overly keen to do a heavy armoured division, and so chose the 4th armoured division (as an aside, this was one of the few/only US divisions without a nickname).
The light armoured divisions operated as 3 combat commands, A, B and Reserve, which could be considered brigades in size. The divisions fighting battalions were divided up between these commands. The support battalions were divided up between the combat commands. Below the combat commands the Americans would form task forces which are very similar to the German kampfgruppe. Here's where the lists intervened, as only the Germans are organised enough to do this at any time during WW2. Time for a plan B. I pondered the idea of having just 2 battalions, but with high levels of support units. This would give 2 large battalions with high break points. Time to get the pencil out. The target is 650 points.
At this point I'd note that I did 'cheat' and used the heavy armoured division list. This means that I get to ditch the M5 company (which is only really useful as 'ablative' armour for teh shermans, which really seems to be a bit of an oxymoron)
Start with the Combat command HQ in a jeep at 6 points
Next up the fighting battalions.
The tank battalion has an M4 HQ and a M4/105 for fire support. there are then 9 M4's and 3M5s allowed. I did not max out the M4 numbers .Further to this I chose a mix of M4's. I upgraded 3 M4's to M4/76's for the better AT capacity. It's only a marginal improvement, but the added 6" range over the normal M4 is worth it. I also upgraded 2 M4's to 'Jumbos' with extra armour. Now, I have played against armies which were almost completely composed of 'Jumbos'. This is completely unhistorical, as they tended to be issued in small numbers to each division (there were only 232 made). I have stretched things a wee bit by having 2 platoons. The extra armour is very useful when facing the lesser German tanks. Anything with an 75L48 (PzIV, Stug IIG or PAK 40) is shooting at a -1. These get put out front to attract fire while the rest of the M4's shoot back at better odds.
So after all that bollocks, the final battalion list is
Tank Battalion Hq 1 M4 20
1 M4/105mm 17
1 M4/81mm HT 6
1 0.50 jeep recon 4
2 M4 Jumbo (75mm) 44
3 M4 75mm 60
3 M4/76mm 72
Points value 223. running points total 229(when writing a list I always keep a running points total, so that you have an idea of how many points you have spent, and where you can cut back to afford a more useful element).
The motorised infantry battalion is a bit easier to do.
Armoured Infantry Battalion
Hq 1 rifle stand in HT 7
9 rifle stand in HT 63
1 HMG in HT 7
1 M4/81mm mortar/ HT 6
1 reccon jeep 0.50 HMG 4
Points value 87, running points total 316.
So, we now have just over 330 points to spend on the divisional support companies.
Now, one of my major thoughts for any allied list is 'How does one kill German heavy tanks?' now there are some people out there who like to play German lists with Pz IV's or Stug III's but I never seem to play them. its facing the tigers and panthers that stretch things out. Thus we take 2 anti tank companies (one for each battalion; a pattern will form here)
The historical option here would be the M18 Hellcat. however its;
1) Only armed with a 76mm gun, and we have those on Sherman's already.
2) Its speed is only 9", which is a bit on the nose considering it was the fastest fully tracked AFV to serve in WW2 (and faster than the modern M1A1). This speed makes it no better than an M10, with worse armour.
So, the more useful option is the M36, with a nice big 90mm gun to chase off German tanks.
2 x M36 Jackson
points value 46. double this to get 92. Running points total 408
The next major question that an allied commander should ask is 'how does one kill German infantry?' An extension of this is, 'how does one kill dug in German infantry?' the answer is lots of support weapons with high AI actors. Looking through the divisional troops we come across the anti aircraft units. Now, the late war Germans don't have a lot of aircraft flying round, there's plenty of other things to shoot at on the ground. They are also dirt cheap.
2 x M16 AA
2 x M15 AA
Points value 28. Double this to get 56. Running points total 464.
Next up, and another departure from the norm, is artillery support. As the only option available to the light armoured divisions is the M7, why not put them on table? They can either fire indirect, or over open sights spotting for themselves (with no dice throw). The minus is that if any stand in the battalion fires, it counts as a fire mission.
1 x AOP
3 x M7
Points value 58. Double this is 116. Running points total 580.
Don't forget that this doesn't count towards the 3 divisional support units.
So, we have 70 points left, what to buy.
The list is quite light on infantry, so time to find some more from the divisional engineering battalion.
3 x engineer stands/ truck
points value 24. Running points total 604.
also add the SMG/HT stand to the AA unit attached to the armoured battalion.
points value 7, Running points total 611
Lets add some more artillery. A 155mm battalion is usefull, either as counterbattery or just on table support. don't discount the utility of removing your opponents artillery from the game equation. The Christchurch lads don't seem to like it.
3 155mm guns (x 0.8 for being off table).
Total is 39 points, Final points total 650
So, what does that make the army list look like? Swapping a company between the battalions to balance stuff out...
CCA Hq infantry stand in truck.
Infantry battalion BHQ infantry stand in jeep.
1 x recon jeep
6 x infantry stands/M3 half track.
1 x HMG/ M3 half track.
1 x M4HT/81mmM
1 x M4
1 x M4/76
1 x M4A3E2 'Jumbo'
support companies;
AT company
2 x M36
AA company
2 x M16 SPAA
2 x M15 SPAA
Artillery battalion
1 x AOP
3 x M7 105mm
Number of stands 21/ break point 11
Tank battalion BHQ in M4
1 x M4/105
1 x recon jeep
1 x M4HT/81mmM
1 x M4E3A2 Jumbo
2 x M4
3 x M4/76
3 x infantry stand/ M3 half track
Support companies
Engineering company
3 x engineering stand/truck
AT company
2 x M36
AA company
1 x SMg stand/ M3 half track
2 x M16 SPAA
2 x M15 SPAA
Artillery battalion
1 x AOP
3 x M7 105mm
Number of stands 26/ break point 13.
Artillery battalion
3 x 155mm
Well, that was a long post, but I hope it clarifies some for the reasons for doing things the way I do (or maybe not).
Next post will be looking at A and B options and thoughts on how to actually play the army on the table top.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
German Panzer Grenadiers 1944 (Part 3)
Firstly you can't elect to use an Option B List when defending against an enemy Hasty Attack or Deliberate Attack. In these situations you can only select an Option A. However, if your opponent has opted to conduct a Deliberate Attack you can declare you wish to conduct a Spoiling Attack. In this situation you immediately have reversed the tactical situation and become the attacker. This models the situation that while the nominal attacker is working out his fire plans, moving troops forward to start lines for his main effort, you have been ordered to disrupt him by launching a spoiling attack. Now, the good news is that in a Spoiling Attack you receive an Option B list without suffering any victory point penalty. Therefore every defend list needs to have an Option B list! The rules around Spoiling Attacks can be found in sections 5.1 and 5.1.3 of the Scenario Generation System.
In addition in fluid operational situations you may also be required to use a Defend List. Here you are considered to be conducting limited offensive operations and not always with pursuit or breakthrough formations. In wargame terms these are of course encounter battles. In these situations you can use either an Option A or B, but in each you suffer a victory point penalty. The rules are covered under section 5.2 of the Scenario Generation System.
Therefore, an Option B in a defend list list is always going to be used in offensive situations and as such we should customise the list for that purpose.
You may recall our original Defend List had three motorised Panzer Grenadier battalions, all on foot, one of which was understrength. The list also had two Stug Companies, from the divisional Panzer Battalion, as well as limited artillery and flak support. So let see what we can add to transform the Defend List into one that can conduct limited offensive operations.
Option B - List 1:
This option is designed to increase the number of Stugs, taking them to three companies and increasing the artillery support. While the Stugs can't be massed into a Panzer Battalion, as we have no HQ, one motorised Panzer Grenadier battalion can have two Stug companies and another one a single company. This provides a greater level of combined arms. On the artillery front I'll supplement the 105mm artillery with some heavy hitting 150mm artillery. One option would be to take Werfers but the 150mm guns can fire every turn and be more likely on target, something the Werfers can't always achieve. Using this criteria my first Option B list is as follows:
Elements from Panzer Battalion:
1 x Tank Company: 2 x Stug IIIG L/48 each at 21pts
Medium Artillery Battalion:
3 x 150/30mm Howitzers & trucks @12pts each
1 x FAO @ 10pts
The Stugs when modified by German regulars come to 50 points while the artillery, also Greman regulars but with only the FAO on-table, come to 48 points. With two points remaining I will purchase some additional entrenchments as they can be used in an "Advance to Contact" scenario, refer section 5.2.1 of the Scenario System. However, a reminder about Stugs. They cannot move and fire, therefore your attack planning needs to consider this carefully.
Option B - List 2:
The second option is included as an illustration of how you can add variety while using options. We all know that players are very nervous about Tigers so a Tiger company seems an ideal option to focus your opponent's thinking. Tigers in 1944 should be rated as veterans so you will consume your points allocation quickly.
Elements from Heavy Panzer Company:
2 x Tiger I @ 27pts each
The base points for a weak two stand Tiger company is only 54 points. However, when it is multiplied by the German veteran modifier of 1.4 these two stands become 76 points. This leaves only 24 points which isn't even enough for a weak Werfer battalion! However, buried in the lists are some other indirect fire options.
Firstly, you may recall that our third motorised Panzer Grenadier battalion was understrength and did not have its 120mm mortar. We can add this and increase the indirect fire component of the battalion. Further, each Panzer Grenadier Regimental HQ has the option of a single 150mm Infantry Gun.
Additional reinforcements Motorised Battalion 3:
1 x 120mm mortar and truck @ 6pts
Elements from Panzer-Grenadier Regimental Assets:
1 x 150mm SIG 33 & truck @ 12pts
Applying the modifiers these stands come to 24 points which means this Option B sits perfectly at 100 points. If you don't like the additional mortars and infantry gun consider adding some additional flak instead.
Option B - List 3:
The final option draws in aspects of several sublists to provide both additional Stugs, some additional artillery support and some additional anti-aircraft. In some ways it is even more balanced than the other options as it bolsters capabilities in all these areas.
Elements from Panzer Battalion:
1 x Tank Company: 2 x Stug IIIG L/48 each at 21pts
Nebelwarfer Battalion:
2 x Nebelwarfer and truck @ 7pts each
1 x FAO @ 10pts
Divisional Light AA Battery:
2 x Light AA Battery: Flakvierling (Quad 20mm) @ 9pts each
As before the understrength Nebelwerfers are, excluding the observer, off table. As a result the final costings of all the above come to 98 points. To which we can add two entrenchments for good measure, which we may or may not get to use depending on the scenario.
Again, we are at the absolute limit of attachments across our three Panzer Grenadier battalions so care must be made when attaching companies. I would typically see the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Battalion, which you may recall was the weak battalion, with two companies of Stugs and the divisional flakvierling. One of the other battalions would have a Stug company with anti-aircraft cover provided by the Panzer Grenadier Regimental 20mm flak platoon as well as the Panzer Battalion flak platoon, with each platoon counting as a company for attachment purposes.
Tactical Considerations:
The next question is how do you use the defend list. Well, firstly you have paid a 20% premium for being German, compared to your American and British opponent. This premium is for your command and control. I encourage you to use this by operating a flexible defence. By this I mean be prepared to move your battalions around. You have three battalions and there is a good chance one is not going to be engaged. This battalion is your designated reserve and while it may hold a portion of the line it can move to reinforce other battalions. However, if the enemy axis of advance is different than you expected any other battalion can become your reserve. Be prepared to move this reserve to a decisive point of the battlefield.
Within battalion defence positions consider carefully the likely enemy routes of attack. Position the elements of your battalion to cover these positions. I usually try and establish company sized defences but always hold a small battalion reserve. This is not deployed to far forward and can realign reasonably quickly to positions that are likely to become threatened. Pivoting stands takes time, so being held back speeds the introduction of the battalion reserve to the line. Use terrain to conceal and protect your troops. A wood line will greatly reduce casualties as will entrenchments. However, both can be abandoned and should be if the situation warrants it. Further, ensure you are achieving the first fires from stationary positions.
Consider carefully your use of supporting troops. If your opponent has invested heavily in counter-battery assets engaing with artillery too soon can expose your limited artillery assets to devastating artillery fires. Sometimes it is more effective to retain your artillery fire so it can be combined with direct small arms fire. Likewise your Stugs can be useful in engaging infantry, as well as the enemy armour. All the Stugs are support stands so can fire through the fighting stands of the battalion they are allocated to support. But don't forget they are not tanks, they must be stationary to fire and can not be hull down. Further, remember the allies rule the air, keep your Stugs well protected from enemy aircraft by the careful positioning of anti-aircraft in defence and when on the move.
Finally, if you are likely to be subjected to a deliberate attack consider conducting a spoiling attack. Again, you have paid additional points for being German. A spoiling attack can sometimes catch your opponent by surprise and makes use of the increased command and control capability of your Germans, but before you decide this consider carefully the terrain.
That completes my series first series of articles on one possible Panzer Grenadier Defend list. I hope you have found this exercise of interest. You can also download the complete list with all options included. The file, formatted as a pdf, can be found here.
Now just to wrap this first series of articles here is a link to get you in the mood. Step back to Normandy and 1944 and gather your forces to halt the Americans and British.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
German Panzer Grenadiers 1944 (Part 2)
In my last post I provided a sample Defend List based around three motorised Panzer Grenadier battalions drawn from the 1944 Panzer Grenadier Division. In this post I thought I would explore some options for the defend list.
In the Scenario Generation System the core list can be supplemented by either what is called an Option A list or an Option B list. In 1944 the Option A list can comprise 50 points while the Option B 100 points. Now, you would expect that a Defend List to be defensive in nature, however there are occasions when a commander will be forced to conduct limited attacks with these defensive forces and this is exactly what the Scenario System tries to capture. The situations, you may wish to use an option for are:
- Supplement your Defend List before being subjected to a Hasty Attack by an enemy. Refer of the Scenario System.
- Supplement your Defend List before being subjected to a Deliberate attack by an enemy. Refer
- Supplement your Defend List before being subjected to a Spoiling Attack by an enemy. Refer
- Be required to conduct operations in a fluid operation situation. Refer 5.2
Option A - List 1:
To break up an infantry attack in situations 1, 2 or 3 above additional artillery would be useful. Likewise additional artillery would be useful in a fluid operational situation. Of course in defensive situations some entrenchments can never be overlooked, especially if the enemy has a preponderance of artillery. Therefore, my first optional list is based on artillery drawn from the divisional structure:
Medium Artillery Battalion:
3 x 150/30mm Howitzers and truck @ 12 pts
1 x FAO @ 10pts
This consumes, assuming the guns are off-table and German regulars, a total of 48 points. This leaves only 2 points for some light entrenchments. The artillery are clearly an expensive option but the powerful 150mm guns could be useful in defence or in a a fluid situation.
Option A - List 2:
An alternate Option A could provide some artillery and some additional AA. You may recall that I was concerned about the lack of effective AA systems in my last post. Therefore some Nebelwerfers, from an understrength formation, could form another useful Option A list. Now, before I'm asked the Werfers are not normally part of the divisional TO&E, however I typically allow a Werfer battalion to be considered a divisional asset. If you and your opponents agree then this could provide a useful option
Nebelwarfer Battalion:
2 x Nebelwarfer and truck @ 7pts each
1 x FAO @ 10pts
Divisional Light AA Battery:
2 Light AA Battery: Flakvierling (Quad 20mm) @ 9pts each
The total for the above is 48 points after application of the various modifiers. Therefore 2 points remain for some entrenchments. This small list is rather useful. While the Werfers can be somewhat irregular in their targeting they can also be very effective, especially against massed infantry in the open. Of course if you are expecting to face Allied aircraft the flak will be extremely useful.
Now one important point here is attachment limits. The Spearhead rules limit the attachments to a maximum of three companies per fighting battalion or the entire battalion. Assuming the Stug's are massed and attached to the weak Panzer-Grenadier battalion I can't allocate the above flak company and the Panzer Battalion flak company as it would exceed the three company limit. However, I can move the Panzer Battalion 20mm flak to another battalion, as it is a divisional support company, and allocate the Flakvierlings to support the Stugs.
Option A - List 3:
Another Option A list could provide some additional anti-tank capability. Very useful if you suspect your opponent will be using Churchill tanks!
Elements from Divisional AT Battalion:
1 x Towed Gun Company: 2 x Pak-43 88mm AT Guns & trucks @16pts each
After modification for German regulars the 88s come to 38 points, meaning 12 points remain. These can be used for light entrenchments for the infantry or you may want to consider providing some light entrenchments for the anti-tank guns in an effort to protect them from an artillery barrage which is very likely to be called in on their positions. However, I must add this option is of most use in situations 1, 2 or 3 above and far less so when under taking action in a fliud operational situation as mentioned in point 4 above.
Option A - List 4:
Perhaps the final obvious Option A list is one with for counter-battery. Here is a sample Counter-battery list.
Medium Artillery Battalion:
3 x 150/30mm Howitzers and truck @ 12 pts
1 x Counter-battery observer @ 10pts
All these troops, including the counter-battery observer, are off-table and all are German regulars. As a result the total comes to 46 points. This leaves only 4 points for some light entrenchments. This is sufficient to entrench four stands of off-table artillery either the 150mm guns of the 105mm in the main list. Perhaps a useful option which may keep your own artillery operational.
I do hope this is useful and providing some ideas. The message I'm trying to get across is try and use the options to supplement your lists in areas the core list is short or that will directly counter your likely opponent. However, consider carefully how you would use each option depending on the tactical situation. In my next post I'll provide some suggestions around Option B lists. Stay tuned...